Achieve 3000
Gadsden ESD #32 has adopted the Achieve 3000 programs as a supplemental program to support instruction and learning. Our goal is to provide additional resources and support for students in order to increase student lexile levels and reading comprehension abilities.
All students will take a LevelSet assessment to ensure appropriate placements before they begin working on their assigned program. As students work through the lesson and complete activities or assessments on their profiles, their skill level or lexile level adjusts to reflect progress. Students also take a mid-year LevelSet assessment and an end-of-year LevelSet assessment to collect benchmark data for all schools in the district.
Achieve 3000 Training:
Achieve 3000 representatives support Gadsden Elementary School District #32 with professional development days in which teachers are trained on using the program, analyzing data, monitoring student progress, and more. Initial training takes place during the district's Pre-Service days to start off the school year.